Friday, February 10, 2012

We the People are Complicit in our own Government's Foreclosure Misdeeds over the past Decade.

I don't think it's wise to make the home foreclosure crisis a class warfare issue. While some blame yuppies who tried buying too much  home, one can also use the reverse argument that attempting to make homes affordable for the poor led to the foreclosure calamity.

Arguing against the "yuppies" or against "balloon mortgages for the poor" that artificially inflated prices for everybody before the deep drop in home prices proves what exactly? 

It's that type of class warfare that the banks rely on so they can continue undetected, facilitating unethical actions and deeds. 

The government and the fed should be the ONLY ONES backing home mortgages. There should be NO investments in home mortgages by Wall street because they are NOT true investments. 

The real investors are the people that take private funds and use those funds to purchase land and put up a building. Afterwards they either sell or rent that building.

Once the building is built, any future investment against that building by wall street becomes a RE-INVESTMENT. Banks and wall street get away using false words like "investment" even when what they are really doing is "re-investing".

If you were told the bank is providing you with a re-investment mortgage, you would probably ask what re-investment meant. If you were then told, "Wall street is offering you a profit based re-investment security that leverages your mortgage for wall street's profit and gain, and if you fail to make your payments on time, another Wall street investment security will make money off  your mortgage by taking your home away.

If you or I were told this, we would say, "NO, we'd rather have the government and the fed back our mortgages".

Credit card companies falsely call their credit cards "contracts" even though the two parties never met in the same room, non of the the meaningful clauses were discussed, nor was there a third party witness to the alleged "contract". On top of that, this allegedly unsecured contract can be "secured" any time there is a failure to make a payment, something else that is not disclosed at the time of the credit card agreement is made up.

The examples cited above are bank and wallstreet bullshit tactics. So lets stop class warfare and focus on the false terminology that both Wall street and the banks use to create fraudulent investment schemes.

What did the government do with all the money they should have INVESTED in home mortgages over the past 10 years?  The government spent it on WAR.

We the people are complicit for allowing our own government to hand over home mortgage "reinvesting" over to wall street and corrupt bankers who gave out bonuses that according to a Chase Bank executiver were SEVEN TIMES LARGER for balloon mortgages than a flat rate mortgage.

We the People are complicit for allowing our government to get away from doing the boring thing like home mortgages, so the government could do the extreme thing and manufacture weapons of mass desctruction to kill people in other lands.

We the People are complicit in allowing our state governments to create HUGE pension funds that were invested offshore so that local businesses that originally paid into those pension funds with their taxes, would then LOSE THEIR BUSINESSES as the offshore pension funds came home to roost in CHEAPER COST AND QUALITY product competition.

We the People are considered "enemy combatants" for believing the above to be true, and that may be the most alarming issue of all.

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I've created a Credit Card Product that can reverse the record setting 1.1 trillion dollars in consumer credit card debt at record high interest rates. Saving So Help Me Todd is my present passion, as is helping unfairly Banned by Linkedin Members get back on LinkedIn. Past passions have included winning a Los Angeles Emmy and also an Internship Scholarship from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences; Creating the "Legalize Los Angeles Home Based Business Video" that was viewed by City Council staff before LA City council voted 12-1 to pass legalizing Los Angeles Home Based Businesses in 1997; and having an incredibly low budgeted Opera Video win a Los Angeles Emmy that was featured in a successful campaign to approve a 75 million Education bill for the Santa Monica area.

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